thl, like so many other big and small tourism businesses, has taken a belting over the past couple of years. But this year, prospects are more promising; NZ joined other countries and reopened its borders to international travellers, COVID feels like it’s more under control.
So, the 2022 report evolved the ‘moving forward together’ theme from last year, to one of greater optimism – Restart. Remarkable. Because thl has always been about the remarkable. Remarkable experiences, remarkable journeys, remarkable adventures. And as the world fully opens up again, thl connects you to those remarkable and unforgettable opportunities.
Quietly confident and optimistic, the brand is presented in a clean and open manner to shareholders. We use a landscape format, each spread carefully designed to work as a single panoramic spread, or as seperate landscape pages for easy on-screen viewing. We use beautiful and expansive panoramic imagery and an elegant journey-line that moves throughout the document, linking narrative to brand.