NZ Law Society


NZ Law Society

Vision & Values

'Why' design.

When the New Zealand Law Society redrafted its statement of purpose, vision and values for modern day Aotearoa, it summoned Saturday to approach the design with appropriate respect. 

Leveraging the existing brand identity, we drew inspiration from the circular and linear nature of the brand’s koru symbol to graphically represent the new purpose, vision and values. With the korus innate mana and energy, five new distinct forms were illustrated and animated, not only breathing life into the new strategy but the brand’s greater visual design language.

When the Law Society subsequently set out to appeal to Kiwi lawyers to start paying for their membership, we suggested they release the potential of the new language in a campaign to show and tell the benefits many members had come to expect, and at the same time, what many had been missing.

Our prima facie case rested on the flexibility and versatility their vision and values creative work could bring to this campaign – a design opinion the Law Society required us to support with evidence. We presented a digital campaign with animation at its heart as a way to connect the institutional brand with a modern and progressive audience.

The verdict? Delight.

Law Society Vision Values Identity
Law Society Vision Vales Identity
Law Society Vision Values Identity
Law Society Vision Values Identity
Law Society Vision Values Identity
Law Society Vision and Values Identity
