PM's Pinot Noir


PM's Pinot Noir


Getting it just right

The brief sounded simple enough. Personally brand and label a Central Otago Pinot Noir for Prime Minister John Key to use as gifts to deserving members of his staff or professional acquaintances.

And simplicity was what was called for. The labelling needed to be clean and understated, with room for a personal message to be added by hand, and with the right balance of dignity and respect befitting one who holds the office of Prime Minister. But not stuffy. Nor too familiar. With some subtle humorous references to politics. Whew.

In 2017, as Mr Key steps down from his post, the series of wine labels sits at seven. Guess we hit the sweet spot on this one.

Brand Identity
JK Wines
JK Wines
JK Wines
JK Wines
JK Wines
